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Puff Daddy
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Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
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JTR Captivator 118HT 重低音預購特價

JTR Captivator 118HT 在12月底以前預購價是 $1099 (原價$1399) 加運費.

我之前好奇的問了 JTR 的老板 Jeff Permanian, JTR Cap S1 寄到台灣要多少錢. 他說 Cap S1的重量 是 115 磅, FEDEX Economy (5-7 天, 空運 ) 寄到台灣台中運費是 美金 $280. 現在 Cap 118HT 重量也是 115 磅. 所以運費應該不會多太多才是.

若是如此, 運到台灣的價錢含所有關稅, 營業稅是 ($1099 + $280) * 1.075 * 1.05 * 32 = NT 49,809. 台幣 5 萬不到, 能入手這種等級的超低音真的不錯.

JTR 的重低音我在別的討論串中有介紹過. 現在 Captivator 118HT 重低音已經推出 2017 年版本. 這版本和 data-bass.com 上評測過的 Captivator 1400 表現最大差別是, Captivator 118HT CEA 2010 最大音壓輸出在 40 Hz 以下的頻率少了 4 分貝左右. 50 Hz 以上則是和 Captivator 1400 差不多的.

JTR Captivator 118HT 網頁 http://jtrspeakers.com/home-audio/captivator-118ht/

JTR Cap 118HT 基本資訊:
18吋 Eminence 單體, 19 mm xmax (each way), and 60 mm Xmech (peak to peak)
頻率響應: 19~190 Hz +/-1 dB
功率: 700W Ice Power Amp
尺寸: 高 76 cm, 寬 51 cm, 深 57 cm
運送重量: 52 公斤




AVS上網友剛收到的木皮 JTR Captivator 118HT:

Home Theater Shack 上的評測:http://www.hometheatershack.com/for...tml#post1378082

以下是 JTR Captivator 118HT 和其他 data-bass 測試過的重低音 CEA 2010 最大音壓輸出比較:

I pimp therefore I am

此文章於 2016-12-24 11:17 PM 被 Puff Daddy 編輯.
舊 2016-12-24, 11:12 PM #1
Puff Daddy離線中  

加入日期: Jun 2001
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舊 2016-12-24, 11:33 PM #2
Puff Daddy
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Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
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自用還要送電檢? I am not sure.

音響類關稅是 7.5%, 營業稅是 5%...

剛剛看到, 還有10% 的貨物稅... Shit...
I pimp therefore I am

此文章於 2016-12-24 11:45 PM 被 Puff Daddy 編輯.
舊 2016-12-24, 11:39 PM #3
Puff Daddy離線中  
Senior Member

加入日期: Oct 2004
文章: 1,387
作者Puff Daddy
自用還要送電檢? I am not sure.

音響類關稅是 7.5%, 營業稅是 5%...

剛剛看到, 還有10% 的貨物稅... Shit...

美國真是消費者天堂, 可惜加上運費與稅後, 又缺少保固, 就相對沒這麼誘人.
自用被查到會要求切結, 之前同事買掃地機器人是如此.

此文章於 2016-12-25 12:26 AM 被 windhm 編輯.
舊 2016-12-25, 12:24 AM #4

加入日期: Jun 2001
您的住址: S.P.B.
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美國真是消費者天堂, 可惜加上運費與稅後, 又缺少保固, 就相對沒這麼誘人.
自用被查到會要求切結, 之前同事買掃地機器人是如此.

舊 2016-12-25, 12:49 AM #5
Junior Member

加入日期: Apr 2000
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10% 的貨物稅,挖,加一加總共快25%了,果然是萬萬稅,呵呵!
舊 2016-12-26, 01:17 PM #6

加入日期: Jun 2001
您的住址: S.P.B.
文章: 3,641
10% 的貨物稅,挖,加一加總共快25%了,果然是萬萬稅,呵呵!


舊 2016-12-26, 01:20 PM #7
Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
文章: 3,280
以下是 AVS 上一位網友使用 JTR Cap 118 HT的心得. http://www.avsforum.com/forum/113-s...ml#post49151793

Hi Guys,

I've had the Cap 118HT for a while now and told Jeff I would be posting a review but with work and life I've been pretty lazy. It seems like the 118HT doesn't get as much fanfare as JTR's more powerful options but I wanted to chime in for any of those considering purchasing the 2017 version.

My current man cave is a loft only about 13' x 12' but opens to the rest of the house on the side. It's not the best room acoustically but it's my only option until I move one day.

I had tried sealed with RA's Gamma and realized ported was the way to go, unfortunately the debacle with RA left me low on funds. My options were settling with what I had or seeing what deals I could swing. I really wanted JTR after what I've read in the forums and Jeff was kind enough to give me a great offer on a "prototype" which he described as parts laying around the shop.

The sub shipped within a few days and Jeff even checked in around the time I was supposed to receive the sub to ask for my thoughts on the product. Many many weeks later here are my thoughts (and photos).

So as many warned but very little heed, the sub is the size of a mini fridge. The box is fairly massive and I had a couple flights of stairs to go up in my condo. The delivery guy looked angry that I answered the door and he begrudgingly went back to the truck and hauled the package up the steps to my front door. I had originally planned to wait for a friend but I was so excited I ended up carefully pushing the package up the stairs (no worries, it's carpet).

I was immediately impressed by how well packed the subwoofer was. Everything was wrapped neatly in plastic and cushioned by large foam blocks. I was semi lost on why there were holes where the amp and woofer were but I guessed it's so they know it's a 118HT and not a Cap 1400.

I also thought it was funny that the power cord is tucked in one of the ports, smart packaging indeed. I had really wanted a high gloss/veneer sub (couldn't swing the cost difference) but I was surprised that the default matte black ain't too shabby. It actually has a little shimmer to it, feels like sandpaper. It can get white scuff marks easily but that can be wiped off. If you could afford a paint job/veneer I would say go for it, with such a large size I think it's likely worth the cost. If I ever can afford to upgrade I will definitely get a veneered one next time.

Now the part that matters, the sound. Right off the bat I ran ARC on my Anthem but used the same distance settings. I immediately noticed a much fuller sound, ARC had this flat til it's cutoff of 15hz which got me really excited. The sub is at 0 for the LF adjust.

On the RA Gamma I had to run at +3db hot to get a satisfactory balance of bass quantity and quality. With the 118HT I'm running it at the calibrated level and still feeling every thump my movies/shows provide. I had already thought my Gamma sounded good/clean but with the additional low end provided by the 118HT it is simply a much more involving and satisfying experience.

The bass sounds clean, quick, and integrates well with my system (probably has to do more with the EQ but sub rounds out the system on the bottom end). It definitely is confusing hearing something so light on it's feet for something so large but when it's time for impact the sub delivers.

I wish I remembered the movie but it was one involving monsters and there were bassy footsteps. I swear I got confused and thought there was construction going on in the evening (they're building new homes near me) and paused the movie to double check since my house was shaking. It was my first holy crap moment with this sub and it continues to deliver every time I watch movies or listen to music.

I think for anyone who doesn't have a large room the 118HT will be great and don't worry too much about paying extra for the Cap 1400 (minus how sexy it looks, but the 118HT is pretty sexy in person).

Thank you again Jeff for making this happen and I encourage anyone who isn't sure about buying to give him a call. He's extremely straight forward and isn't pushy when it comes to buying.

Thank you all for reading and enjoy the pics!

I pimp therefore I am
舊 2016-12-30, 02:11 AM #8
Puff Daddy離線中  




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