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Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
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Q: Hsu Research的產品規格都十分亮眼,在美國的售價也十分親民,可惜台灣還沒有購買管道...

A: 這就要看是否有商家願意代理引進了.

也不是所有的 ID 超低音公司都有在海外設代理的打算. 像 SVS 和 PSA 在歐洲和澳洲都有代理. Hsu Research 目前好像沒有.

最重要的當然是價錢. 若是製造地離市場近但卻沒帶來價格優勢, 就會變成大陸人到美國去狂買 Coach 產品的狀況了.
I pimp therefore I am
舊 2017-03-16, 04:37 AM #121
Puff Daddy離線中  
Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
文章: 3,280
上周日有位熱心的網友 Marc 稍早答應要幫我調整 JTR Captivator 1400. 剛好另一位網友 bulls 也正在考慮要選擇 反射式 還是 封閉式 的超低音. Marc 就把他的封閉式 PSA S3000i 也帶來做個小網聚. bulls 在2月初就已經來我家聽過 Cap 1400 了. 我也想聽聽封閉式重低音.

我的JTR Cap 1400 18吋反射式重低音

Marc 的 PSA S3000i 雙15吋背對背重低音

這兩台的擴大機板剛好都是 SpeakerPower 的 1400W Ice Power Amp.

我的說明: 空間約 10 坪大
I have the Cap 1400 gain at 12 o'clock, LF Adjust @ Max ( 2015 Cap 1400 LF Adjust is +/-6 dB, and 2016 Caps are cut only). Sub trim on AVR is +3 dB.

Initially we had the Cap 1400 @ 11 o'clock from the MLP and the PSA 3000i @ 10 o'clock. This is when we roughly level-matched them with REW. Then we replaced the Cap 1400 with the PSA 3000i (9 ft from MLP) and moved the Cap 1400 to the other front 1/4 wall position (11.5 ft from MLP), between center and right channel. We did not run auto calibration for the subs at these spots.

First we played music videos (Eagles - California Live at Sydney and Justin Bieber - Baby) @ -17.5 MV. I did not play any MVs last time when bulls was here. When I was playing Justin Bieber - Baby, both Marc and bulls got up and started walking around the room and even stood behind the MLP. I have been saying that the bass is very potent in this video...

For movies clips we played @ -12.5 MV. First it was the Irene Scene from Black Hawk Down (just for me to see what the fuss was all about, LOL), then the first 40 seconds of Edge of Tomorrow. I was very surprised that from 20~30 Hz, the Cap 1400 was hitting 125 dB and the PSA S3000i was hitting 120 dB. Never did I know I was anywhere near reference level much less above it. This was where we heard the chuffing. To get a better sense of how the subs would handle bass in movies not mixed at crazy levels, we watched the Hulk vs Abomination scene from The Incredible Hulk. Finally, we played the Washington Monument Scene from Olympus Has Fallen and the Grenade scene in World War Z.

Marc was grinning from ear to ear bombarded by the Cap 1400 wind!

Marc 的說明:
Well, we had a small GTG at Chucky7's house yesterday (@Chucky7, @bulls , and myself). The JTR Cap1400 and the PSA S3000i. To cut to the chase, there was no winner in my mind, only that the two subs have inherent differences. Neither sounded better to me overall, just different.

Chucky runs his LFE +10dB hot & we also ran the volume well over reference. His room is not large and had considerable room gain despite two openings leading to the kitchen and the rest of the house. We ran clips from the Ultimate Bass Demo Discs as well as some music (Hotel California in 5.1 DTS-HD MA sounded great). The JTR had in-room extension to about 14Hz and hit peaks of 125 dB between 20-30Hz w/movie clips. The PSA was no slouch with extension down to 6Hz and hitting peaks of 120dB from 20-30Hz.

We moved the JTR to the other front 1/4 wall position for better FR and placed the PSA in its original place. At the levels we were playing (~10dB over reference) there was definitely some chuffing on the JTR but it didn't bother me because it had an amazing ability to create wind! Not just a small breeze but strong wind if you were directly in front of the port. We sat about 2m from the front of the JTR. The JTR was also more tactile (except for at 10Hz of course) for the most part. The PSA had a bit more mid-bass. @bulls seemed no closer to making a decision when we left than before. A Cap 2400ULF will hit 20Hz but he can't face it towards the MLP to feel the wind. At regular listening volumes I doubt the chuffing is a big issue. A second Cap 1400 would likely increase chuff free headroom.

Honestly, without the sealed PSA S3000i there and REW RTA we wouldn't know we were missing any content at 10Hz.

Is there something about the JTR Cap 1400 that produces more port wind than other designs?

I personally think the new @Rythmik FV25 should be a consideration for the OP to get a form factor closer to the Cap 1400 and also get 10Hz extension. It should be quite formidable in his size room with room gain.

Because I am a champion of dual subs I believe dual PSA V1801s have a great price, finish, and form factor and would be a better choice than a single Cap 1400 for the OP (giving up on the quest for 10Hz). But oh the Cap 1400 wind!

@chucky I didn't want to out you about the Bieber demo. At least it featured Ludacris!

Honestly though, The Eagles sounded amazing on his system. The trumpets sounded more lifelike on his system than mine (my Mirage OMD-28s excell more with the string instruments). I think many people underestimate the importance of matched (in his case identical) drivers all around. Properly setup 5.1 stomps all over cobbled together 7.1. Also, again the notion that ported is not good for music was debunked. The PSA sounded great too. It was a tad tighter but I have to give the edge to the JTR because of the extra tactile oomph it provided.

Because I have TTs and a small room, sealed was the right choice for me. However, what I have achieved with four sealed 15" drivers I could have with two ported 18"s and not needed the TTs (giving up on 10Hz).

If I had the proper room and the budget, I believe a Cap 1400 combined with a Cap 2400ULF or 4000ULF would provide the best overall experience (including 10Hz though) without needing TTs or TMAs.

My opinion on two subs vs one hasn't changed. Two is better than one… in MOST cases. @bulls I can assist you in dialing in two subs, ported or sealed. @chucky7 I think you are fine with the single in its new position, just add a MiniDSP EQ to tame those peaks.
I pimp therefore I am
舊 2017-03-16, 04:49 AM #122
Puff Daddy離線中  
Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
文章: 3,280
上次 Marc 來過以後, 我深深覺得 REW 真的是好用的工具. 更何況我必需的雞司 (UMIK-1, 麥克風架) 都有, 當然應該拿出來玩. 有一天就請病假在家裡玩 REW 和 UMIK-1了.

心得是, 其實真的不難. 軟硬體設定好, 按一按就有圖出來了. 只是我的筆電音效驅動程式怪怪的, 搞了好久才能設定的和教戰手冊上一樣.

也同時確定之前 Marc 幫我看重低音的時後沒有設定好, 只有重低音有出聲. 我跑 Sweep 的時後, 重低音和中置都有出聲.

頻響 1/6 Smoothing:

重低音在電視左方 (綠) vs 在電視右方 (紅) No Smoothing:

極限音壓圖 No Smoothing:

擴大機板上 LF Adjust 旋鈕的效果 No Smoothing:

I pimp therefore I am
舊 2017-03-26, 04:12 PM #123
Puff Daddy離線中  
Junior Member

加入日期: Apr 2000
您的住址: 台中縣
文章: 980
這個圖小弟看不是很懂,是不是在35HZ的地方,有很大的凹陷,雖然小弟知道Puff Daddy兄對重低音算是吃重鹹的,但圖中看起來是不是重低音開太大聲了呢?
舊 2017-03-26, 08:32 PM #124
Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
文章: 3,280
這個圖小弟看不是很懂,是不是在35HZ的地方,有很大的凹陷,雖然小弟知道Puff Daddy兄對重低音算是吃重鹹的,但圖中看起來是不是重低音開太大聲了呢?

以下是最新版本的頻率響應圖: 1/6 smoothing:

擴大機音量轉到 -18 dB, REW 的音壓計測得 左聲道 是 80 分貝. 這樣的話, 37 Hz 和 75 Hz 的凹陷還好. 反而是 19 Hz, 52 Hz 有峰. 重低音有加了 3 ∼ 5 分貝左右, 不算特別大聲. 重低音的音量是相對的.

最簡單方法就是買個 Minidsp 2X4 HD 把 19, 51, 88 Hz 的峰拉下來. 把峰拉下來比較簡單, 把凹陷提上去比較難.

另外也發現我上禮拜測重低音極限把中置的高音單體弄壞了... 現在 4000 Hz 以上沒有聲音. 測的時候, 我的擴大機還自己關機了. 已經聯絡 Polk 的客服.
I pimp therefore I am

此文章於 2017-03-27 09:03 AM 被 Puff Daddy 編輯.
舊 2017-03-27, 08:58 AM #125
Puff Daddy離線中  
Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
文章: 3,280

剛入手 JTR Cap 1400 時, 我把它放在現在的位置, 就是在電視左邊, 左聲道和中置之間. 後來隔壁鄰居抱怨了幾次, 我就把它移到皇帝位的後方, 朝背打. 上次寫使用心得的時後又把它移回老位置. 之後除了跑 REW 測試就沒有再移動過它了. 那一陣子重低音放皇帝位的後方朝背打當然很爽, 但遺憾的是吹不到陰風. [xx(]

跑過 REW 裡的房間頻響模擬 Room Sim, 發現在視聽空間後方三分之一區域, 也就是座椅的後方, 可能有一兩個地點有理想的頻響. 上週末把重低音推過去實驗看看. 我重低音下面放了以下這種墊子


這樣即使我一個人也可以輕而易舉的把重低音推來推去, 非常的方便. 這次測 了 20 次左右的頻響. REW 真的很強大. 我每次測量的時間只要五秒鐘. 所以可以移一下, 測一次, 轉個角度, 再測一次, 一直玩一直玩.

也再次確認我中置的高音單體在上次測極限音壓時被我摧壞了. Polk 的技術支援蠻不錯的. 我和他說高音聽起來悶悶的, 測頻響從 2KHz 就石沉大海. 三天後我就收到一顆高音單體. 剛剛換上, 測試沒有問題. 好險只需要換高音單體.


左下角是凸窗, 皇帝位(最靠左的位置)左前方牆面有通往後院的雙開法式門, 所以那兩個地方都不能放重低音. 當然, 測了不只圖上這三個位置, 但大部分都沒有顯著的差異, 所以特地拿這三個位置的頻響來研究一下.

這四個位置的頻響: No smoothing.

地點 1. 橘色是重低音在皇帝位的後方30公分, 朝背打.
地點 2. 綠色是重低音在左邊兩個座位約中間後方 60 公分. 基本是在整個空間的中線上.
地點 3. 藍色是重低音在皇帝位的後方90公分, 朝視聽空間後方打.

原本以為在地點 2 綠色頻響應該會不錯, 結果反而最糟糕. 地點 1 橘色 當然體感很強烈, 但是頻響好像沒有比原來前方紅色的位置好到哪裡去. 如果重低音一定要放在視聽空間後方, 這兩個位置都不會影響動線. 地點 3 藍色 頻響最好, 但是該地點也最不實際 - 不但影響動線, 容易絆到線, 重低音也沒有朝背打. 當然, 這三個地點都吹不到風.

在 18 Hz 和 52 Hz 的波峰, 以及 在 37 Hz的大波谷, 在 27 Hz 和 72 Hz 的小波谷都是視聽空間的尺寸造成的. 即使改變重低音位置, 效果還是有限.
I pimp therefore I am
舊 2017-04-01, 01:31 AM #126
Puff Daddy離線中  
Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
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AVS 上有位網友住離 JTR 不遠, 他本來的預算是 5.1 聲道共 $2500 美金. 他有考慮過 $1900 的 Cap 1400, 但這樣就沒剩多少給其他喇吧了. 我建議他買 $1400 美金的 Cap 118HT 就好, 剩下 $1000 美金去買 5 隻喇叭. 所以他就訂了一台 Cap 118HT 自取, 順便去 JTR 朝聖一下...

他到 JTR 映入眼簾的是這個:

現在 JTR 基本上採用兩種單體. 一是如左邊的 19 mm X-max, 60 mm X-mech Cap 118HT 單體, 一是如右邊 33 mm X-max, 102 mm 以上 X-mech 的 Cap 1400 單體, JTR 的密閉式喇叭也是用這種單體, 只是阻抗不同.

118HT 的單體已經很威了, 但是和 1400 的單體相比...

我知道 Cap 1400 的18吋 單體是大隻佬. 可是我從來沒有想到它的高度幾乎是箱體的四分之三深了.

難怪他抵擋不住誘惑... 還是搬了一台 Cap 1400 回家...

JTR Cap 1400 最後組裝前:

I pimp therefore I am
舊 2017-04-01, 01:42 AM #127
Puff Daddy離線中  
Senior Member

加入日期: Oct 2004
文章: 1,387
作者Puff Daddy
以下是最新版本的頻率響應圖: 1/6 smoothing:


擴大機音量轉到 -18 dB, REW 的音壓計測得 左聲道 是 80 分貝. 這樣的話, 37 Hz 和 75 Hz 的凹陷還好. 反而是 19 Hz, 52 Hz 有峰. 重低音有加了 3 ∼ 5 分貝左右, 不算特別大聲. 重低音的音量是相對的.

最簡單方法就是買個 Minidsp 2X4 HD 把 19, 51, 88 Hz 的峰拉下來. 把峰拉下來比較簡單, 把凹陷提上去比較難.

另外也發現我上禮拜測重低音極限把中置的高音單體弄壞了... 現在 4000 Hz 以上沒有聲音. 測的時候, 我的擴大機還自己關機了. 已經聯絡 Polk 的客服.

紫色的是REW EQ後的輸出, dsp作用是直接改變輸出.
高峰是直接聲波的與反射聲波同相位, 能量疊加, 直接減少輸出就可, 較好處理.
凹陷則是直接聲波的與反射聲波反相位, 能量相抵銷, 可能增加直接聲波輸出3dB, 再扣除反射聲波2.5dB, 增加一倍後級功率輸出, 實際上只拉抬0.5dB.
在國外真好, 有這麼大空間與各種便宜器材可玩, 羨慕
可以請教一件事嗎? 當測試時, 真的聽不出重低音的方位嗎?
舊 2017-04-01, 10:15 PM #128
Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
文章: 3,280
紫色的是REW EQ後的輸出, dsp作用是直接改變輸出.
高峰是直接聲波的與反射聲波同相位, 能量疊加, 直接減少輸出就可, 較好處理.
凹陷則是直接聲波的與反射聲波反相位, 能量相抵銷, 可能增加直接聲波輸出3dB, 再扣除反射聲波2.5dB, 增加一倍後級功率輸出, 實際上只拉抬0.5dB.
在國外真好, 有這麼大空間與各種便宜器材可玩, 羨慕
可以請教一件事嗎? 當測試時, 真的聽不出重低音的方位嗎?

是的. 凹陷處要拉抬, 後級功率輸出多一倍也才增加3分貝. 那種-30分貝的凹陷就算後級功率拉的起來, 一開大聲原形就露出來了.

我測試時, 真的聽不出重低音的方位. 理論上是這樣子, 反應到實際上也才會有 sub crawl, 和重低音多擺幾顆可以讓改善頻響的運用.
I pimp therefore I am
舊 2017-04-02, 02:16 AM #129
Puff Daddy離線中  
Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
文章: 3,280
不但測試時, 聽不出重低音的方位.

從入手至今, 有三分是一的時間, 我的重低音是在皇帝位後方朝背打. 除了體感較強烈, 重低音的方位不像其他聲道的喇叭 - 若是位置不對或是線接錯了, 一聽就知道了.

就連在測試時, 重低音在前方 (離皇帝位3公尺) 和在後方 (離皇帝位 30公分 ~ 90公分) REW 頻響圖上都看不到有顯著的音壓差異. 我在測試時沒有調整重低音的增益, 和 LF Adjust.

您可以試試看啊, 反正機司您都有.
I pimp therefore I am
舊 2017-04-02, 03:24 AM #130
Puff Daddy離線中  




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