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很可惜第一集上星期二撥過了,當時是無意中轉到的。對了,此片在Discovery 的片名是現代史話

順便貼一下第一集Darkest hour的內容
1 Early colour film 1934-38
2 Air raid precautions
3 Outbreak of war
4 Men go off to war
5 Oswald Mosley/British Union of Fascists
6 Blitzkrieg-The invasion of Western Europe
7 Winston Churchill becomes PM
8 War cabinet
9 Dunkirk
10 Churchill's speeches
11 Fortress Britain
12 Evacuation
13 Home guard
14 Battle of Britain
15 The Blitz
16 Heavy rescue squards
17 Battle of the Atlantic
18 Fall of Singapore
19 Regional Blitz
20 Rationing
21 Black market
22 Fall of Toburk
23 Operation Torch
24 Stuka attack(Operation Torch)
25 Vera Lynn
26 Tank battle(Operation Torch)
27 The end of the beginning
舊 2002-04-10, 03:41 AM #4