Puff Daddy
Golden Member
Puff Daddy的大頭照

加入日期: Mar 2001
您的住址: 南加州的牧場
文章: 3,280
Q: 請問這網站的一區DVD都是美版的嗎?
A: The only R1 DVD I have bought from this site is Near Dark, which is released by Anchor Bay. Therefore it is 美版. Like I said before, most DVDs are the same. If you really want to know, why don't you ask the site?

Q: 而且居然有賣2區PAL和3區的 價格含運費真的很漂亮 ps.可郵寄臺灣沒錯吧?!
A: Yes!!! I got my Back to the Future (dts) R4 and The Others (dts) R3 from them. Read the post clearly!!! You question has been answered already.
I pimp therefore I am
舊 2003-01-15, 06:01 AM #23
Puff Daddy離線中