主題: 康斯坦汀2
Senior Member

加入日期: Jan 2002
文章: 1,127
半年前,也就是第一集上片15週年,男主角、製片Akiva Goldsman以及導演Francis Lawrence在線上舉行的Comic Con活動有一個小座談,下面是導演的一段談話內容:

Francis Lawrence, the director, said that Constantine’s creative team is the one who has talked more about making a sequel than the film studio itself, “because the film did it well, it was at the time when people still bought DVDs so I think that it did decently in its time, but it was never a massive box office success, nor was it critically acclaimed. ”


“Every time I make a movie and travel to other arts around the world and do interviews, I sign Constantine’s DVDs more than any other film I’ve ever done. People really love this movie and I think they found a new life in a weird way. Rotten Tomattoes published an article apologizing for the rating the film had. I think we’ve always loved the movie more than the studio has, ”he said.


爛蕃茄網站去年也有一篇專文,對於當年給第一集差評感到抱歉,15 YEARS LATER, WE OWE CONSTANTINE AN APOLOGY是這則專文的標題。而當年爛蕃茄的影評平均分數是46%,但是觀眾評價平均則是72%。


其實,我個人很喜歡第一集,在電影院看過後買了附漫畫的限量版DVD,之後又把DVD換成BD。從Lawrence的說法來看,本片在這15年已經某種程度變成邪典電影(cult film),粉絲持續增加。刺激一九九五也是邪典電影,首映票房不佳,但接下來的25年靠著口碑流傳,累積出愈來愈多的粉絲。康斯坦汀影集版我也看過,跟電影版差多了,難怪只有一季,也許這就是fanboy與一般觀眾在口味上的差別,如果華納真的要續拍,最好還是獨立,維持第一集的黑色電影(film noir)的風格設定。
舊 2021-01-22, 11:47 PM #16