Junior Member

加入日期: Jun 2002
文章: 991
臭屁嘴砲的川普誠實多了,雖然他常自誇自己,但是談成功要素,他就大談運氣。。。 川普當時舉的例子,就是他看過無論如何,事情就是不如那人所願。論際遇,那人認識川普,我想認識川普能可帶給的際遇比一般人大太多(川普會常打電話問他狀況,觀察他,多少在心中也有些份量)。論個性,對很多人來說,要比川普要糟機會可能也滿難的。 雖說我也常那樣想,但是川普舉的例,多少就推翻掉這信念了。。。

想到最後,還是賽斯講比較對,最終發現無信念可執。有運無運,有個性無個性,有際遇無際遇。。等,都是會被否定掉的,因為最終那只是個人信念,人被那信念限制。滿合金剛經所說: 是故須菩提, 諸菩薩摩訶薩應如是生清淨心,不應住色生心,不應住聲香味觸法生心,應無所住而生 其心
“Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. That is its purpose.” - Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul

“Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring.” - The Seth Material

“Desire, wish and expectation rules all actions and are the basis of all realities.” - The Seth Material
舊 2017-05-23, 09:00 AM #40