Junior Member

加入日期: Sep 2000
您的住址: 台中and基隆
文章: 724
去Nova看就對了!!我是在一樓,鈞越行動型電腦買的!!他有開發票!!但如果你想找不開發票的店!!就是不含稅的 ,納可以試試手扶梯邊那一間!!總而言之,每一家都看才部會吃虧
dennis相見時難別亦難, 東風無力百花殘。
春蠶到死絲方盡, 蠟炬成灰淚始乾。
曉鏡但愁雲鬢改, 夜吟應覺月光寒。
蓬萊此去無多路, 青鳥殷勤為探看
Time was long before I met her, but is longer since we parted,
And the east wind has arisen and a hundred flowers are gone,
And the silk-worms of spring will weave until they die
And every night the candles will weep their wicks away.
Mornings in her mirror she sees her hair-cloud changing,
Yet she dares the chill of moonlight with her evening song.
...It is not so very far to her Enchanted Mountain
O blue-birds, be listening!-Bring me what she says!

舊 2001-10-07, 05:58 PM #2