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2017/4/19 更新日誌,摘錄翻譯 Asus RT-AC1200G+ Random Reboots Automatically

關於重新開機部分,我已經升級為韌體版本,按住 Reset 按鈕重設,並且在 2017/4/19 修改下列設定:

1. In [USB Application] → [Media Services and Servers], disable [Media Server] and [network Place (Samba) Share] which is default on.

2. In [USB Application] → [3G/4G], Android tethering is identified as USB Modem. Leave it un-touched.

3. In [WAN], UPnP is turned on by default.

4. In [Firewall], Network Service Filter is turned off by default. But I uncheck all data and apply again.

5. In [Administration] → [System], Reboot Scheduler is turned off by default.

關於 5GHz 找不到 SSID、不穩定的連線與傳輸速度,我在 2017/4/20 修改為下列設定後目前都正常:

1. Set 2.4GHz Wireless Mode to [N Only] and 5GHz to [N/AC Mixed]

2. Set Channel bandwidth to [40MHz] and Control Channel to [Auto].

可能與居住環境有越來越多的 5GHz 無線路由器,導致無法取得乾淨的 80MHz channel bandwidth 有關。
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舊 2017-04-27, 10:57 AM #2